All Products are 1/12 Scale Unless Noted Otherwise

1/12 Scale Student Desk with Accessories and Dome- Personalized Teacher's Gift

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Product Description

1/12th" scale student's desk and chair in dome display. This would make a great end of year teacher's gift. This set up includes the dome, real hardwood flooring, desk and chair, scissors, ruler, pencil, notepad, apple, tissue box, clock, and personalized travel mug in your choice of colour. The travel mugs are available in grey, pink, orange, blue, purple or black and can be personalized with the gift receiver's initial. The travel mug shown in the sample is purple with a letter H. Dome is 3.75" wide and 6" high. Includes a choice of trim for the base, 8 different teacher themed options. Please include your choice of trim(1-8) and initial in the comments of your order.