GREAT NEWS..............beginning February 1, our brick and mortar store will be open every other Saturday and every Monday from 10am - 3pm!
**Please keep in mind that the store will remain open these days as long as the traffic warrants it. Please visit us to keep our store hours possible.**
Therefore, the store will be open the following Saturdays:
Feb. 1, 15
Mar. 1, 15 ***closed the 29th for a show in Montreal***
April 12, 26
and so on...
and every Monday beginning February 3, 2025
We will still welcome appointments for visits to the store on days that we are not open (except Sundays). See the contact information below. Please do not hesitate to contact us. It is not an inconvenience in the least and we will be happy to hear from you. We will continue to have new items in the store and online as we have so much in storage waiting to be "revealed". Many of these items are one-of-a-kind. :-)
43624 Sparta Line
St. Thomas, ON, Canada
N5P 3S8
Our website still specializes in unique miniatures.........things you can't find just anywhere.
Our goals for the business remain the same:
- Research new products for making miniatures and introduce them to you online and in-store first
- Offer excellent prices on unique miniatures
- Hand make unique and quality miniatures and accessories
- Expand the online January "Awesome Buys" promotion to make it even more fun for everyone and offer deals no one can resist. MAKE SURE YOU ARE ON OUR MAILING LIST TO JOIN IN THE FUN!