All Products are 1/12 Scale Unless Noted Otherwise

Shipping & Returns

Returns Policy

Please contact us if you have any questions regarding returning any item(s).


We can ship to virtually any address in the world, excluding the UK.  At this time, we are unable to ship to the UK because of complications with VAT collections due to BREXIT.  Our apologies.

If you are located outside of Canada or the USA, please click on the "Pay actual shipping charges" icon when checking out.  We will calculate the actual shipping charges, and send you an invoice for said cost.  Once the invoice is paid, your order will ship within 1 or 2 business days.  Note that you will be responsible for any duty and/or taxes that may or may not be charged by your post office when your package arrives.  If you choose to have your parcel shipped without any insurance or tracking, we will not be responsible for lost or stolen packages.

We offer a flat shipping rate for orders shipped within Canada and/or the USA.  They are as follows:

Shipping within Ontario - $15.99

Shipping to SK, MB, QC - $17.99

Shipping to BC, AB, NS, NB, PE, NL, YT, NT, NU - $19.99

Shipping to the USA - $14.99

PLEASE NOTE THAT MOST OF THESE SHIPPING CHARGES ARE LESS THAN IT COSTS US TO SHIP ORDERS.  OUR COSTS HAVE RISEN SUBSTANTIALLY OVER THE LAST YEAR.  WE ABSORB SOME OF THE LOSS ON SHIPPING TO SAVE YOU MONEY.  If we can ship your order in a padded envelope (nothing in your order can measure more than 15mm high), we will be happy to do so and will refund you the over payment for shipping.  (Minimum shipping charge is $4.00) 

 We ship all orders via Canada Post Expedited Parcel to Canadian addresses.  Packages shipped to US addresses are sent via Tracked International Air through Canada Post. 

If you require faster shipping than the Expedited Parcel service, please contact us and we will be happy to ship it with a faster service.  (You will be responsible for the extra shipping cost in this instance)

If you have any questions, please contact me, Liz, at