In the 30 years since we began our business, our family has grown. I am so proud of them all.

I have always loved miniatures. When I was very young, I remember playing with tiny dolls and making furniture from sticks and cardboard. That was, until that magical Christmas in 1968 when my grandfather and mother led me down into the basement of my grandparents' home to reveal a gift that had been a labour of love for them for many months. My dollhouse is a thing of beauty. Over the years I collected bits and pieces as I could. We grew up on a farm and life was tough. There was no money for fancy furniture or electric lights. However, my parents did buy me one electric lamp, a high chair and a playpen. I always wanted electricity in my house so that I could use that electric lamp. However, when I opened the store and was able to refurbish my house, I could not add wiring. I did not want to change the integrity of the house. It got a new paint job and some new flooring and furnishings but the structure remained intact, and still does today. I have since electrified many of my new projects.
My mission is to spread the joy of miniatures to as many people as possible, young and old. You know how it is..............when you have a passion, you want to to share it with everyone. Making miniatures is a hobby that encompasses so many crafts............painting, knitting, sewing, modelling clay, leather work, upholstery, beading and so much more. Pretty well anything you do in full size, can be shrunk down to 1/12 scale and smaller.
I am here for you, the help you enjoy this passion as much as I do. My husband, Wayne, is a master carpenter and general "Jack of all trades" who can help with any building and electrical questions you may have.
Don't be afraid to email us to ask questions, make suggestions or just to say "hi". We welcome all contact. Oh, and if you wish to send us pictures of your miniature projects, past and present, please do. We love to ooh and ah over other people's work.
Happy mini-ing,
Liz Dieleman
Grandpa's Doll House